Monday, November 1, 2010

Yemen bomb plot tip-off came from ex-Gitmo detainee, according to report

A repentant member of al-Qaida gave authorities the key tip-off which led to the discovery of the two mail bombs sent from Yemen to the U.S. Jaber al-Faifi had given himself up to Saudi Arabian authorities two weeks ago. Al-Faifi had rejoined al-Qaida in Yemen. after he had been released from Guantanamo and completed a rehabilitation program in Saudi Arabia. A U.S. official and a British security consultant said previously that the device, hidden in a printer cartridge, was so sophisticated that it nearly slipped past British investigators even after the tip-off was passed on by Saudi Arabian authorities.

i am glad that they found out about the bombs before people opened the bombs. i would have been sad for the families of the people that they were sending the bombs to. if they would not have found out about the bombs then they would have had at least 2 deaths to investigate.

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