Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Budget Deficit and Social Security issue 3

         In issue three president Bush wanted to lower the budget deficit which means social security would go down in the size of each check. It would affect the poor a lot more than it would affect the rich people in the world. A lot of people were mad about President Bushes plan on cutting how much social security each retiree gets. Very few people like the idea of lowering it.

        I do not like the idea of lowering the social security but I do like the idea of lowering the budget deficit because our national debt is to high. If President Bush would have lowered the budget deficit and the social security then I would be mad but he never lowered the budget deficit. I am glad that he never lowered the budget deficit because then the social security would be lowered also.

issue 1
issue 2

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Bombs kill at least 50 along pilgrim route to Shiite holy city of Karbala

at least 50 people have been killed in bombings targeting pilgrims headed to a Shiite holy city for rituals. the death toll was still rising after the thursday afternoon bombings. at least 175 people were injured. Karbala is located 55 miles south of Baghdad, and the bombs exploded near 2 police checkpoints. hundreds of thousands of Shiite pilgrams are flocking into Karbala for Arbain. Arbain marks the end of the 40-day mourning period for Imam Hussein. Imam Hussein is the grandson of the prophet Muhammad.

i am sad that people would try to kill the Shiite pilgrams because they were mourning Imam Hussein. i think that every one that was involved in the bombing should be found and sentenced to the death penalty. it is just wrong to kill people because you dont like them.

Grand jury indicts Arizona shooting suspect

A federal grand jury indicted Jared Loughner Wednesday on three counts in connection with the Jan. 8 Tucson shooting spree. the shooting spree killed 6 and injured at least 13 more, including U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. this case involves potential death-penalty charges. Loughner attempted to assassinate Giffords and he alos attempted to assassinate two federal employees. the names of the two federal employees are Ron Barber and Pamela Simon. The indictment includes three counts, not 5 like the original criminal complaint said.

i cant believe that someone would want to kill all of these people. i wont be shocked if he gets the death penalty for killing 6 people and injuring 13 people. i would be shocked if they only gave him a while in jal as a sentence for killing those 6 people and injuring those 13 people.

More than 100 alleged mobsters arrested East Coast sweep

More than 100 suspected members of 6 different mafia families have been arrested. the FBI described this as the biggest organized crime round-up in New York history. Significant leaders of the Gambino, Genovese, Lucchese, Bonanno and Colombo families and also the DeCavalcante of New Jersey were arrested. Officials said that the charges range from murder to extortion, narcotics trafficking and illegal gambling. Hundreds of FBI officials, NYPD officers, state police and U.S. marshals were involved in the operation.

i am glad that all of these mobsters were arrested so people wont get killed or hurt anymore for a while. i  am kind curious why the mobsters would want to join a mob or gang.

Monday, January 10, 2011

GM’s Chevy Volt named 2011 Car of the Year

The Chevrolet Volt plug-in electric car, the centerpiece of General Motors’ comeback, was named 2011 North American Car of the Year. The auto show was held in Detroit. The Volt also won the awards for the green car of the year, and Motortrends Magazine car of the year. Ford Motor Co's latest incarnation of its Explorer sport utility vehicle was named 2011 Truck of the Year. It is the third year in a row that Ford has gotten the Truck of the Year award. The vehicles are judged on innovation, design, safety, handling, driver satisfaction and value.

I like how Ford has gotten the Truck of the Year award for the past three years. I also like how the Chevrolet Volt got the 2011 Car of the Year award. I like Ford trucks and some Ford cars but I also like some of Chevrolets trucks and cars.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Cops probe 'exceedingly weird' killing of Bush aide

A military expert served three Republican presidents. He also helped get the Vietnam Veterans Memorial built was found dead in a landfill. The body of John Wheeler III, 66, was uncovered Friday when a garbage truck emptied its contents. He was found at the Cherry Island landfill in Wilmington. The garbage truck collected the garbage from 10 commercial garbage disposal bins in Newark. It was many miles from Wheelers house in the historic district of New Castle. Wheeler was not reported missing around christmas. Wheeler was suing Frank and Regina Marini of Hockessin. He wanted to stop the construction of a house they were building because it was blocking hi view of a park and the Delaware River.

I find it sad that someone would kill a person for trying to sue them because they were blocking their view of a park and a river. It is sad that somebody killed Wheeler because he was trying to sue the people that were building a house across the street from him. I also dont understand why Wheeler was sueing the people across the street from him so he couldnt see the park and the Delaware River.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

'Stress event' blamed after birds rain from sky

On new years eve thousands of red winger black birds fell out of the sky after a massive trauma. About 5000 birds rained on BEEBE Ark. after nightfall. There was no sign of chronic or infectious disease. The birds suffered from acute physical trauma leading to internal hemorrhage and death. The birds were healthy. The injuries were primarily in the breast tissue. Thre was blood clotting and bleeding into their body captivities. The birds died in midair and not when they hit the ground.

I think that it is weird for the birds to fly at night and for them to get frightened by something like fireworks. I can not believe that about 5000 red winged black birds died in midair. I also find it sad that all those birds died by being scared in midair.